We produce a wide range of uplifting prayer cards. Each carries a beautiful photograph or illustration on the front, and a bible verse on the back. Our customers are all over the world, using the cards for many different purposes :

  • Pastoral care
  • By churches and their congregation – to connect with, celebrate and support one another
  • To support friends
  • To share God’s Word in many different ways.
  • As a celebratory keepsake after a family event, eg Christenings, wedding anniversaries, weddings
  • As a way of offering support and words of comfort to someone after a bereavement
  • To support someone through an illness
  • As a personal inspiration, spiritual and motivational support system

The cards in the catalogue, and custom ordered cards are all hand made by our enthusiastic team of volunteers.

You won’t find any prices in the catalogue. We are a charity and it’s our purpose to share God’s word and love through these cards. However, we do have costs to cover, so we simply ask that you make a donation when you order.

Thank you!